Calling all wood botherer’s, willowy woolly weavers, turners, tanners, leatherworkers, stickmakers, dragon riders, folksters, and strummers.
Our next meet at the Walled Garden: Saturday 10th June 10am until 5pm.
The beginnings of summer are here, so expect some chilly wet days mixed with tropical sweat fests. Hope we don’t suffer either at the next meet, and can relax in the glorious surroundings to the melodies of the birds and the percussion of our axes.
If you have them, bring your lathe, shave horse, and any other fun equipment. We have a few chopping blocks and one kuksa horse. If you can bring your own please do. Note for those with Lathes, our floor space is concrete, so treadles cannot be pegged down.
Our stash of Beech is past its best, rot has settled in. If you have any wood you want to play with or to bring for others please do.
Our meets don’t just have to be about making wood chips, we encourage members to bring other crafts to the meets, be that spinning a yarn, weaving a basket, making a tool sheath from leather or bark, and even decorative methods for our wooden items. Feel free to showcase your other craft skills as we are interested in sharing and learning a wider range of skills as we grow as a group. If any members would like to lead a session of various crafts for the group, possibly a paid one day course, please get in contact with me and we will see what we can arrange for the future.
About the venue
The venue has toilets, kitchen, and is accessible to wheelchairs. I will supply teabags, coffee, sugar and cows milk. Please bring your own non dairy milk if needed. If anyone wants to bring biscuits, cake, snacks to share that would be nice, but bring your own lunch, bowl/plate, drinking vessel, and cutlery please.
Members have suggested a contribution for Tea/Coffee a few times, so I have decided to ask for a contribution of 50p. Obviously if you bring all your own bits, there is no need to chip in.
Free parking is available in the walled garden. Follow the main driveway all the way down, past the public car park and the “no unauthorised vehicles” sign, then the Walled Garden’s big gates will be on the left. Toot your horn to let us know you’ve arrived.
Here is a "what 3 words" ink to the location:
Google maps link to location:
Hope to see you there, and please reply if you have any questions.
Richard Roberts - Group Coordinator APTGW Essex Bodgers
APTGW Membership
Our meets are free of charge to members of the Association of Polelathe Turners and Green Woodworkers.
Non members are welcome to join us a few times to see if it’s something they’d like to pursue further. We then ask that folks join the APTGW (this is a requirement for the insurance the APTGW provides to locals groups like us). It’s only £20 per year and membership runs from January to December each year.
For just £20 a year you get:
A quarterly Gazette with news views and articles on all aspects of green woodworking.
Attend the UK Bodger's Ball always held in mid-May (this is chargeable, but a bargain!)
Win prizes for your creations at the many craft competitions at the ball
Meet hundreds of other Bodgers and Green Woodworkers
Learn new skills in masterclasses
Attend and participate in the Annual General Meeting which is held at the Bodgers Ball
Vote on how the organisation progresses and elect, or even stand for the committee!
Have the opportunity to purchase very reasonably priced insurance for teaching or demonstrating
Join the APTGW here: