R2 Wood

R2 Wood - Handcarved Spoons, Bowls, Cups


Sharpening Service


The Dark Art - Sharpening

I’m sure there are many carvers out there with tools that aren’t performing at their prime. I aim to fix that for those who are either pressed for time, have tried and failed to master the dark art of sharpening, or maybe you just have a chipped axe edge and no equipment to remedy such damage in a timely manner.

With my knowledge of sharpening, how carving tools should perform, and gear to keep my own tools primed to gorge on grain, I’ve launched a sharpening service for greenwood carving tools. Covering Sloyd and Spoon knives, Axes, Adzes, Gouges and more.

I’ll need to give all tools an assessment before giving a price. This service is best for those local to London/West Essex, although if you are willing to add postage to the costs, distance isn’t a problem.

See chart for pricing, and feel free to contact me using the button below to discus your needs.